Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Premier League - Man Utd 'go to war' over £34m Vidal

Premier League - Paper Round: Man Utd 'go to war' over £34m Vidal

Manchester United are refusing to meet Arturo Vidal's price tag, but two other big names could be coming to Old Trafford - all the stories from the morning's papers.

United 'go to war' over top target: Flush after announcing a new world record £750m kit deal with adidas (which actually comes into effect in 2015), Manchester United are still refusing to pay an excessive amount for top midfield target Arturo Vidal, who is valued at £34 million by employers Juventus. As reported by the Mirror: "United have warned their interest could go cold as it is understood they believe Italian champions Juve, who need to sell either Vidal or fellow midfielder Paul Pogba to balance their books, may be using them to try to start a bidding war for Vidal."

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