Monday, February 24, 2014

United’s crazy offer for Bayern star

 United’s crazy offer for Bayern star

Manchester United are to make a huge bid to try to tempt a Bayern star to join them; Harry Redknapp is set for the sack at QPR; and Joleon Lescott is now looking at a big summer switch – the top stories from the morning papers.

United offering massive wages to Bayern star’ - Manchester United are offering Toni Kroos£250,000 a week to quit Bayern Munich - three times what the 24-year-old midfielder is currently on with the 2013 Champions League winners, according to the Daily Mirror. The £1 million-a-month deal is in addition to the £30m transfer fee Bayern expect for a player whose pay demands they have themselves rejected. Moyes now believes he can use his new financial firepower to tempt the Germany international midfielder to the Old Trafford giants.
Paper Round’s view: Bayern are understood to be fully aware that United want to snatch away the 24-year-old, but Pep Guardiola is hardly going to buckle to any pressure from the struggling Premier League club. Moyes is believed to be buoyed by Wayne Rooney’s decision to stay and the backing of the owners ahead of what is expected to be a very significant summer spending spree, but surely Kroos himself would not be remotely keen on swapping the Bavarian giants for Moyes’s floundering underachievers - particularly since it will almost certainly mean missing out on Champions League football.

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