Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Galliani: Seedorf doing a great job

Galliani: Seedorf doing a great job

Milan vice-President Adriano Galliani has paid tribute to the impact of Coach Clarence Seedorf and says the team have improved of late.

The Rossoneri lost 2-0 at home to champions Juventus last night but the 69-year-old believes they deserved more.
“Milan played well yesterday,” Galliani told “The fact they finished the first half behind was incredible, but that’s football.
“I was very disappointed that Poli went off.
“Without taking anything away from Saponara, Seedorf’s decision to use Poli to mark Pirlo was perfect.
“After playing two good games without winning, I’m hoping for two wins while playing badly.
“We are however in a period of transition and growth, and the fact we are playing well is obvious.
“Pazzini is doing well and Seedorf, who is the Coach and in charge of the tactics, is responsible.”

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