Monday, March 3, 2014

Why Soldado stopped scoring – and why he won’t stop now he’s off and running

Why Soldado stopped scoring – and why he won’t stop now he’s off and running

Our friends at take a look at Roberto Soldado ending five months without a goal from open play.
"Oh, how he's waited for that!" were commentator Peter Drury's words upon seeing Tottenham Hotspur's £27 million Spanish striker Roberto Soldado find the net at home against struggling Cardiff City.
It was to prove the game's only goal, giving Spurs a vital win that keeps them in the hunt for a top four place. For Soldado - and even manager Tim Sherwood, who was looking on from his technical area - the relief, not to mention the joy and satisfaction, was clearly evident.
And why not? The 28-year-old had been enduring a nightmare spell in front of goal in his debut season, both failing to score in open play, and failing to score, period.
His strike against Cardiff was his first in open play in the league at White Hart Lane, with the previous five all coming via the penalty spot. This goal also ended a nine-game scoring drought (in all competitions) that dated back to January 1st.

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